So I have to start off with yes, this quote comes from a completely schmoopy teen-angst love song by Taylor Swift. But no, this post is not going to be some romantic mushy mess about Colin. (Truth be told if anyone would have to endure familial remarks about the others' tattoos it would be Colin – not me.) No, this song can absolutely reduce me to tears but for a completely different reason.
Every time I hear it, I think of Grady.
Weird, right? To hear a love song and think of my infant son? But let me explain.
Part of my experience of motherhood so far has been wrapped up in a lot of frustration about the constant critique I find myself undergoing from what seems like all sides. (You'll remember I had this same issue while pregnant.) Everyone you've ever met has ideas about parenting (even people who aren't parents) and for whatever reason – they aren't shy about sharing. You work hard to do what you think is best only to find out that someone you have a lot of respect for thinks you've totally screwed up your kiddo because of your approach to sleeping, feeding, playing, child care, or whatever else is on their agenda for the day.
It's really disheartening sometimes.
You see, my approach to parenthood is much like my approach to anything else. It involves a lot of careful research, thoughtful consideration and then carefully selected and implemented actions. I'm not just stumbling around in the dark hoping I don’t accidentally feed Grady cat food because well, oops I just wasn't thinking. So when someone rips into some aspect of how I'm handling my baby, it can be pretty hurtful because the implication is that I don't care enough about my child to think about what I'm doing and make (what I think are) good choices.
So the reason why I love this song is because it reiterates something that I tell myself all the time about baby Grady: this love is ours.
The thing is – no one can ever understand a relationship when they're standing on the outside. I know that there are a million ways to raise a child and that even people I love are occasionally going to disagree with the path I've chosen. But my commitment is what matters – my intention, the inspiration for my actions. Everything I do, I do for love – love of my son. Others may disagree, or they may wish I'd follow a different course, but I have to follow the path that feels right to me, that feels like it honors what's best for him.
I'm working on building up a thicker skin in this area but in the meantime Colin and I have chosen to surround ourselves with the people who support us even if they think breastfeeding is overrated and organic baby food a waste of money. They might gently chide us about things they think we should loosen up on but in the end they respect us and believe we're honestly trying to do right by Grady – and the reassurance that they see that in us gives me an incredible shot of strength when I need it most.
Being a parent is hard. It's overwhelming at times and downright frightening at others. I worry all the time about the choices I'm making and what their long-term impact on Grady could and/or will be. All I want is to be able to give him the best shot at being the best version of himself that he can be – whatever and whoever that is. Even now at just 6 months old, he is an adorably tiny person that listens and learns and responds. I strive to always pay attention to what my actions could be teaching him and whether or not those are lessons I actually want him to learn.
And when I encounter one of those people that wants to explain to me that not allowing my toddler to drink soda will just be 'denying him the pleasure' I just smile and say 'yup – I guess I'm THAT mom' and in my head I think of this song and refocus. This love is ours. I know why I do the things I do – and I know that one day, Grady will know too and understand and perhaps even laugh with me at some of the things I worried over anxiously. (And he may very well even be sipping a Route 44 Pepsi at the time – but darn it he'll at the very least be old enough to have ordered it himself!)