I know - gone for weeks and I return with a Poison reference. Forgive me. (Does it make it better or worse that it was actually inspired by a Miley Cyrus remake? Worse? Yea - I thought so.)
The truth of the matter is, I've been having a hard time writing lately and this quote is actually a good descriptor of my problem. You see, I love to write. I feel so much better, more like myself, when I'm writing regularly. It's always been that way and I am quite sure it always will be.
But there's a flipside to that love relationship with words. A downside. You see, I also need to write.
Doesn't sound like a downside necessarily does it? But it is. Its that need that makes writing hard for me at times. Near impossible. Borderline painful.
Why is that? Because I don't feel good when I censor myself. But I can't always say what I want. Sometimes I'm not ready. Sometimes what's on my heart just isn't something I need to (or want to!) share. But when I can't write what's right at my fingertips, I sometimes just... can't write.
So I figured I would start with this quote, and see what else comes out. And actually, it's really a pretty appropriate quote for a lot of situations, most notably even for today - Valentines Day. Of course, it's kind of a cheap observation that this quote is good for love because, well, it comes from a song about love. But still - it's a valid point. Marriage has been, easily, one of the absolute hardest things I have ever done. But, just as easily, the most rewarding.
I figure parenthood will be the same. Already, being pregnant has been both the most exciting time and the most frustrating. I'm thrilled at the idea of welcoming our child into our family but sick of being sick (and tired!). I can't wait to find out who our baby will be and what they will want in life but it seems like an eternity before they'll even take their first breath much less have a first conversation.
All of this, of course, goes along with the cliche 'all things worth doing are difficult' - which is really only partly true because I can think of several things worth doing that are quite easy (a pregnant woman scarfing down a corndog comes to mind). But seeing as I'm mostly just talking to myself to get through what some would call 'writer's block', just roll with the cliche, okay?
Forgive me for being negligent (and for coming back with this ramble). I promise, I'll be back to myself soon. Every day I feel more like myself than the day before and I hear that this next three months will be the 'easiest' in terms of how I'll feel physically. And I'm looking forward to that.
Mandy, I have loved your blogs and look forward to reading more than you know. What a wonderful mother you will make. I just can't wait to see what a wonderful child you and Colin have made together.
Grandma - I've had this comment in my inbox since last week just because I liked re-reading it periodically. It makes me smile. :) A lot.
Love you
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